The global search is a feature in Dynamics Ax 4.0 which allows you to search for a string in several tables (like a full text search). You setup some tables and fields to be searched in and start a data crawler that collects the data to be searched.
Now, if some of your tables that are searched belong to a virtual company, the data crawler will mark them as records of the company it is running in. That means that if you want to search for your virtual data from a different company, it will return no results.
Example: you have the companies xxx and yyy and a virtual company vir. Table CustTable is virtual (dataareaid of the records is vir). The data crawler runs in company xxx and will mark the CustTable records as belonging to company xxx .
Now, if you start a search in company yyy, it will not find the Custtable records as they seem to belong to a different company. You could only set up a second data crwaler for company yyy which would collect exactly the same records and you would need to store them twice in your database.
The following changes will circumvent that: you will be able to see data from different companies. There are some drawbacks, however: you will be able to see search results from your "data crawler company". But it the data is from a non-virtual table, you will not be able to see the results. But I hope it will lead you to a way where you can make your own modifications to get the best out of the global search. Remember: all changes you make are at your own risk.
Here are the changes you have to do:
Class SysGSSearchStart, method startSearchcomment the following line:
With that, there will be no warning if you are working in a company where the data crawler is not running.
Class SysSearch, method search:at line 28, just after
"if (!searchname)" add:
select firstonly RecId from sysSearchName where sysSearchName.Design == 'SDS_xxx_default' && sysSearchName.LanguageId == this.languageId();
if (!sysSearchName)replace the xxx in the 'SDS_xxx_default' with the company id where the data crawler is running.
Class SysSearch, methods searchWord and searchExactWord:at line 11, replace the
"where sysSearchName.Design == &&" with:
where (sysSearchName.Design == sysSearchName.Design == 'SDS_xxx_default') &&again, replace the xxx in the 'SDS_xxx_default' with the company id where the data crawler is running.
Class SysSearchDoDataSearch, method buildItemListXML:at line 11, after a
while select indextable from sysDataSearch block, add the following code:
changecompany('xxx'){sysDataSearch = null;while select IndexTable from sysDataSearch{dictTable = new DictTable(sysDataSearch.IndexTable);if (dictTable.rights() != AccessType::NoAccess)searchTableMap.insert(,0);}}sysDataSearch = null;Replace 'xxx' with the company id where the data crawler is running.
At line 77, after
select sysDataSearch where sysDataSearch.SearchGroupId == m_eSearchGroupDef && sysDataSearch.IndexTable == tableid; add the following code:if (!sysDataSearch){changecompany('xxx'){sysDataSearch = null;select sysDataSearchwhere sysDataSearch.SearchGroupId == SearchGroupDef && sysDataSearch.IndexTable == tableid; }}Replace 'xxx' with the company id where the data crawler is running.