Other recent Dynamics AX Blog postings

Samstag, Dezember 30, 2006

Happy New Year!

I want to wish all of my readers a happy and brilliant NEW YEAR!

Freitag, Dezember 29, 2006

Goodbye, axdat.udb !!!

One of the very good things about Dynamics AX 4.0: there is no axdat.udb file anymore! All information about users online etc... is kept in the database.

The table that holds the users' data is called SYSCLIENTSESSIONS.
The table that holds the AOS' data is called SYSSERVERSESSIONS.

It seems to me that SysClientSessions will contain the sessions that had been logged in on the current day (no matter if they are still logged in or not). Currently logged in sessions will have the field STATUS set to 1.

Samstag, Dezember 23, 2006


I wish all of my readers and friends a very merry and wicked Christmas !!!!

Donnerstag, Dezember 21, 2006

Sending Emails via SMTP on AOS server

I had the following problem: our partner made a class which sends emails to users via SMTP using the SysMailer class. It works well using a local client. Unfortunately, when you run the class in batch, it gives you a .NET permission error (the BatchRun class has the RunOn property set to "server").

I don't have any knowledge in .NET, but fortunately I found a similar problem in Fred Shen's blog (http://fredshen.spaces.live.com/). I mailed him my problem and instantly got an anser and a solution !

Here is the Fred's answer. I tried it and it works! (I marked the changes to be done in the method with red color)

Whenever you initialize the sysmailer class, put InteropPermission.assert() before new SysMailer(). When you look into SysMailer.new() method, you may find that the COM c = new COM(' CDO .Message') is not in the scope of interopPermission.assert(). (I thought it should be a code defect) So alternatively, you can restructure the codes in SysMailer.New() as below:

void new(/* COM c = new COM(' CDO .Message')*/)
COM cdoConfig;
COM c;
InteropPermission permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ComInterop);

c = new COM('CDO .Message');
_COM = c;
//BP Deviation Documented
if (_COM.configuration() == null)

And that's just what I want to achieve with my blog: to get to know people and to help each other. So again: THANX A LOT, FRED !

Montag, Dezember 18, 2006

Enabling SQL trace in Dynamics AX 4.0

If you want to trace your SQL statements in DAX 4.0 (e.g. long running queries), you have to enable the SQL trace flags in the user options. But that's not all. You will see nothing unless you enable it on the server, too!
Go to the Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility, tab "Tracing" and enable the flag "Allow client tracing on Application Server instance".

Freitag, Dezember 15, 2006

Ctrl Alt F4 not working?

2 weeks ago, I got a new laptop and started working on it with Dynamics AX 4.0. Unfortunately, the good old shortcut for "Go to main table", i.e. Ctrl-Alt-F4 did not work anymore. First I thought it's because of DAX 4.0, but then I found out that the shortcut was working on other PC's. I remembered that I had the same problem years ago and fortunately I found the reason:

The display driver of the graphics card was the villain. You have to disable the shortcuts in your graphics driver, then the "Go to main table" shortcut will work again.

Mittwoch, Dezember 13, 2006

Blog design updated

I just made an update of the design of the blog. I always wanted to have the actual "text" part bigger which it is now.
I hope you'll like it.
P.S.: The next Axapta article will probably be about the new global search.

Freitag, Dezember 01, 2006

Dynamics AX 4.0 SP1 (aka DAX 4.01) released

You may have read that in other blogs: Microsoft has released the SP1 for Dynamics AX 4.0 today.
You can download it from Partnersource (if you are a partner) or CustomerSource (if you are a north american customer).

All others (like me) cannot download directly but must contact their Axapta partner.